Elizabeth’s Story

My Senior year of high school a friend of mine came to me in true and utter desperation knowing I was pro-life. She asked me to help her fund her abortion. I asked her if I could pray about it. Knowing my stance, she obviously agreed but knew I had a personal moral dilemma to reconcile. Even in her own nightmare, she allowed me to sort through my own.

After many hours of deep, gut-wrenching contemplation, I determined that I would undoubtedly love her potential child AND I already loved her.

That morning I picked her up, I walked the gauntlet with her and heard what those so-called “Christians” say. I paid for an abortion. I would do it again without question.

As it is, she miscarried on the way to the clinic. I used to think that was God’s forgiveness, his knowing the purity of both our souls.