You may have heard of Project 2025. Political groups and pundits are raising red flags about it. News organizations are writing stories. Friends are saying, “have you seen this?” in online communities. Even President Biden is talking about it on the campaign trail. And for good reason — it is frighteningly anti-democratic and goes against what the vast majority of Americans want for our country — so we want to make sure you have everything you need to know about it.

What is Project 2025?

Project 2025 is the far-right extremists’ vision for America. It’s a plan that has been formed by politically powerful allies and supporters of Donald Trump that he will implement if he wins a second presidential term in 2024. 

Trump and his supporters are disappointed that he didn’t make more permanent changes to our way of life in his first term. They blame government bureaucracy, federal agencies, and civil servants for limiting him. So they’ve taken the past four years to craft this plan to be ready “on day one” of another term. 

It is essentially a way for Trump to eliminate the checks and balances our government has in place so that he can successfully implement their regressive policies without Congress or federal agencies even getting involved. It will embed their far-right extremist agenda so deeply that we can’t get out of it for generations.

Who is behind it?

The right-wing think tank, The Heritage Foundation, pulled together more than 100 co-sponsors who share an extreme conservative and white Christian nationalist vision for the future of America. This group created Project 2025 to serve as a blueprint for a future Trump administration. Many former Trump advisors and officials were involved, along with others who have successfully shaped conservative policies for previous past presidents.

Why are we talking about Project 2025?

Project 2025 spells out a vision for America where book bans and abortion bans are the norm, the government controls our use of birth control and IVF, and discrimination based on race, sex, gender, or religion is accepted. It attacks our fundamental freedoms and democratic principles: equal rights for all, free and fair elections, representative government, separation of church and state, independent branches of government, freedom of speech and press, and more. 

Donald Trump told us that he likes to “grab” things — Project 2025 will be his and his political allies’ attempt to grab power and hold onto it. Americans value our freedom, but they want to control us, make our personal decisions for us, and take our country backwards to a time when women stayed in the kitchen. Their vision for America is very different from the majority, and we need to understand it in order to get all our friends and family to vote with us in November.

So what exactly does Project 2025 say?

We don’t want to give any undue microphone to extremists’ views — or clicks to their website — but it’s important for all of us to know what’s at stake with Project 2025 so that we can share the facts with other voters. It’s more than 900 pages long and as you might imagine, it’s jam-packed with disinformation. We’ve saved you time and mental energy by reviewing and summarizing Project 2025 for you, cutting through its ignorant, racist, misogynistic, homophobic BS and getting straight to the facts.

Project 2025’s Four Pillars: 

  1. A “playbook” of teams and transition plans that would gut most of the agencies Americans rely on to keep our country functioning – think the Department of Education, The Department of Homeland Security, the Environmental Protection Agency, and an independent Department of Justice. Gone.
  2. A private database of far-right loyalists who want to work for Trump. Think of it as an “extremist LinkedIn.” Their goal is to have at least 20,000 loyalists screened and ready to fill federal appointments throughout the government. We know the damage that just three of his appointees on the Supreme Court have done. Imagine what thousands of his appointees would do across federal agencies!
  3. A “Presidential Administration Academy” to train future appointees how to use the government to advance their agenda.
  4. A 900+ page “Mandate for Leadership” that creates an agenda for a new Trump administration, completely reforming how much of our government operates. It’d be impossible to share all of it with you, but here are some of the most egregious goals.

Goal: Take Away Our Reproductive Rights

Donald Trump made it clear before his first term that they’d come for abortion if he could get Supreme Court justices seated, and that’s exactly what happened. He’s proudly taken responsibility for the fall of Roe v. Wade and subsequent abortion bans. Now they’re telling us they’ll do more, and they’ve already started, as we’ve seen with Congress’s Life at Conception Act and Alabama’s Supreme Court IVF ruling.

They plan to institute a national abortion ban and reverse the FDA approval of abortion pills — they already have a case in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. Until then, they’d track, limit, and ultimately ban the mailing of abortion pills, restrict doctors’ ability to provide telehealth for medical abortions, and strictly scrutinize the companies and factories that make abortion pills. 

They would demand data from states that currently allow abortion. They would stop federal agencies from using the word “abortion” and would have the government declare that abortion is murder. And if that becomes the law of the land, and they are tracking who has abortions, is criminalizing women next?

Rooted in right-wing Christian nationalism, Project 2025 uses religious justification to demonize recreational sex and contraception. The plan calls for restricting our access to STD testing, birth control and IVF.

Goal: End Programs That Address Climate Change

Project 2025 is aligned with known climate change deniers. The plan rejects regulations that reduce environmental harm. It seeks to reduce or eliminate the EPA and other agencies focused on environmental protection. It would reduce funding for renewable energy while expanding Arctic oil drilling and Western coal mining. It would remove the U.S. from international climate change agreements and remove domestic protections for endangered species, other wildlife, and federally-owned lands.

Goal: End Public Education

We’ve seen efforts nationwide to undermine public education, so it’s no surprise that Project 2025 would come after it at the federal level. The plan suggests eliminating teachers’ ability to organize together, overhauling the U.S. Department of Education’s curriculum to align with extremist viewpoints, and ultimately eliminating the Department of Education. Instead of supporting public education, the plan would divert public money to private and religious school attendance. And a blow to many who have recently been helped, it would roll back student debt relief efforts.

Goal: Persecute LGBTQ+ Americans

Project 2025 is shameless in its attack on human rights, particularly for LGBTQ+ people. The plan demonizes and potentially criminalizes transgender people and would prevent transgender people from serving in the military. 

It would remove federal protections for all LGBTQ+ people, allowing them to be fired for their sexual or gender identity. The plan suggests “conversion therapy” for LGBTQ+ people and some of its language leans towards anti-surrogacy positions which would impact LGBTQ+ family planning. 

And speaking of families, Project 2025 says that the U.S. government should maintain a “biblically based” definition of marriage and family, that of heterosexual, two-parent families only.

Goal: Encourage Racial Discrimination

The authors of Project 2025 really don’t like the progress that has been made to end institutionalized racism and increase diversity, racial equity, and inclusion in America. The plan would ban these efforts in the federal government and potentially fire government workers who have participated in DEI training. It also specifically calls to end diversity, equity, and inclusion offices in the military. They would stop federal agencies from collecting data that could be used to address racial inequality. And the plan would end the Fair Housing Act which would allow housing discrimination against non-white Americans.

Goal: Mass Deportation and Reduce Immigration 

Extremists have been campaigning hard on immigration, and Project 2025 intends to deliver on their promises. It calls for the mass deportation of immigrants and the dismantling of the foundations of our immigration system, notably going around Congress and the courts to do so. 

It would suspend applications for legal immigration and reduce visas for the agricultural, construction, and hospitality sectors. It would reduce protections for immigrants seeking asylum to escape human trafficking and domestic or gang violence. It would rescind protections for Dreamers — immigrants who came to America as children and grew up here. 

And in a huge change, Project 2025 would dismantle the Department of Homeland Security, which, in addition to protecting our borders, counters terrorism, protects cybersecurity, and responds to natural and man-made disasters.

Goal: Insert Christian Nationalist Ideology into the Mainstream

Much of Project 2025 is based in Christianity and a biblical worldview. It aims to center that ideology in government and society and turn it into federal laws. The plan assumes that America is Christian and that Christianity and its beliefs should have a privileged place in society, over other religions and civil laws.

Goal: Give Unchecked Power to the President

As we’ve said, Project 2025 is a power grab. It’s a plan to shift America away from democracy and towards authoritarianism by giving the President and his administration more power and ensuring they can maintain it.

Project 2025 plans to end the FBI’s efforts to combat disinformation and reduce the military’s efforts to counter extremism and domestic terrorism. It removes Congress’s ability to review U.S. foreign arms sales. It also reduces Congressional power by limiting their oversight committees and shifting their oversight power to the Executive branch. 

The plan would reinstate an executive order from Trump’s first term (Schedule F) to reclassify tens of thousands of current, non-political government employees, eliminating their employment protections and making them easier to fire. A Trump administration could then use Project 2025’s database of applicants (that “extremist LinkedIn”) and training academy to replace those fired civil servants and pack all levels of the federal government with loyalists who will not check his power

Project 2025 also plans to end the current norms and policies that keep the Department of Justice and the FBI independent from the White House. This would allow the President to interfere with how both agencies are led and operate, and to use both agencies for self-serving political purposes. He could put his loyalists in control and use the agencies to go after anyone he perceives as an enemy. These changes would also allow for Executive Branch involvement in how election-related federal offenses are investigated. Now imagine a repeat of “The Big Lie” and January 6th, this time with all these changes in place. If Project 2025 is successful, what limited Trump’s power in his first term may not exist to stop him again.

What can we do?

As you can see, all the talk and red flags around Project 2025 are justified. It is something to worry about, but it’s also something that can motivate us. 

America is facing two very different futures depending on who is inaugurated as President in January 2025. There is the extremist, authoritarian future of America that Project 2025 envisions, and there is the democratic vision of America that we are working for. 

When people know that our freedoms and very democracy are at stake, the majority are on our side. So let’s make sure we are talking to everyone we know about the importance of voting in 2024 — voting for candidates who share our vision for what America should be — and we can ensure that we still have a democracy that allows us to vote the next time elections come around.

There are two things you can do right now, first: join us! and second: tell your friends! Scroll down to do both.