#TheMoreYou Roe is written above a line and a star graphic

Everyone’s Story is Different, Share Yours

Marcia B’s Story

I gave birth to my second child and thought I was on top of the world. I now had a boy and a girl! My life fell apart ten months later when I found out my daughter had a genetic and 100% fatal neurodegenerative disease. We watched her deteriorate and slowly die over the years to come. We wanted more kids and I became pregnant, had prenatal...

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Jessica’s Story

I was 19 with my first born. Her dad and I went through a hard court battle. Afterwards, I began dating again. I used Mirena for protection. I dated one guy for a few months. Nothing serious - he didn't meet my young daughter. But I ended up pregnant - and confused as to how. During sex, once or twice my mirena somehow came out. I thought I had...

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Jodi’s Story

I was a young unwed mother with one child I couldn’t support. I ended up having to file bankruptcy because of the medical bills I incurred when I had my daughter. Then I became pregnant with my second child when my daughter was still a baby. The father was abusive, mean, and chronically unemployed. I was at the end of my rope. Had I been forced...

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Anonymous Story

I was 12 and visiting my father in Dallas. As I was walking to the pool a man stopped in his truck and asked if I needed a ride.  Always wanting to act older than I was I accepted a ride. The next thing I knew we were stopping at a store for beer ”to drink while we hang out at the pool” then we stopped at his house “to get his bathing suit”. I...

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Heather C’s Story

I was in my early twenties and in a relationship that started out like a fairytale, until my boyfriend became increasingly jealous and controlling. After about two years, I broke up with him. A few days later he called me nonstop all day and left voicemails. I listened to them at the end of the day. It was the same message over and over, "I just...

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Erica’s Story

At 19 my high school sweetheart and I got pregnant. We were both at college and he had a full scholarship. We tried to give the baby to his uncle and aunt who had been trying but ended up also having a baby on the way. While you are at Planned Parenthood they do a full check-up including a pap smear. They found dysplasia and upon a biopsy some...

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Lori’s Story

Before I was blessed with my 2 children I went through 5 miscarriages and a stillbirth at 6 months. After having an ultrasound it was discovered that there was no heartbeat. I was induced and gave birth to a boy we named Owen. In many states I would have to carry the child to term, possibly causing my death. Before being induced, I had to sign...

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Nikia’s Story

In 1984, I was a 31 year old single parent. I'd been separated from my abusive drug dealer husband for a year. Imet a guy who lived behind me. He was funny and attentive and "sad" because he was recently separated. We "bonded" over our losses and one thing led to another. He also told me repeatedly that he was sterile. I used OTC suppositories...

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"Every Story is Different, Share Yours" written above a line and star graphic.