Between 2021 and 2024, more than 300 bills were introduced in state legislatures to ban books, restrict schools from teaching about race and racism, and set restrictive policies for LGBTQ+ students. It’s all part of an extremist effort to attack our public schools...

School Board Extremism
Do This: Take Action Against School Board Extremism
So now you have learned how dangerous school board extremism can be for our schools, and you’re probably wondering, “Ok, but what can I do?” We’ve got the answer! The great thing is that you can attend school board meetings and even speak at the meetings to share your...
Watch This: What’s Happening With Our School Boards?!
School boards are being used to dismantle public education. That sounds really sounds wild to say, right? How can the people elected to support public education be the ones who are attacking it? But it really is happening–And not...
Read This: What’s Happening With Our School Boards?!
Something strange is happening with our school boards. In the past few years, local school board elections went from being low-funded, grassroots campaigns to becoming battlegrounds for extremist takeovers. National conservative political groups are pouring excessive...