Groups that want to put a proposal before voters this fall to enshrine abortion into the Ohio constitution took their petition signature gathering efforts for a “trial run" this weekend, knowing they have a short timeline to make the ballot. And they say it was a...
Signature Drive
Women show their support during drive-through signature event in Chagrin Falls for abortion-rights amendment
They drove Saturday to Heritage Park, filtering in one car after another, to seek change in Ohio’s abortion law. Marla Zwinggi, who was hailed as a “Vaccine Queen” during the pandemic, organized a drive-through signature event for an abortion-rights constitutional...
Abortion-rights activists begin collecting signatures for Ohio ballot initiative
On Monday came the announcement that abortion-rights activists could begin collecting signatures for a ballot initiative that, if passed, would amend the Ohio Constitution to allow abortion until fetal viability in the state. "In Bainbridge in Geauga County, we will...