Democracy isn’t a Spectator Sport

Jul 16, 2024

“Are you on?” she asked?

On what? It was 4:30PT and I was deep in a TikTok about J.D. Vance. I had no idea what she was talking about.

“I’m on the zoom with Heather Cox Richardson!”

Oh, right! I’d forgotten it was happening. Too bad—I’d hoped to attend. But I was buried.

Then Nadine added this:

“Over 30,000 people on! It’s awesome!”


Nadine isn’t one to exaggerate, but the number seemed implausible. So a bit later that night I emailed Katie Paris, who runs Red, Wine, and Blue. Her response?

42k total and apparently we turned ppl away…I’m floored.

Not 30,000 but FORTY-TWO THOUSAND people on a Zoom about Project 2025, you guys. That’s absolutely jaw-dropping. Staggering.

And there’s more:

Continue reading with Jessica Craven at: Chop Wood, Carry Water