So now you have learned how dangerous school board extremism can be for our schools, and you’re probably wondering, “Ok, but what can I do?” We’ve got the answer! The great thing is that you can attend school board meetings and even speak at the meetings to share your ideas and address your concerns. You can also bring other parents with you so they can speak up too. And don’t worry, if you aren’t able to go in person, you can also email them.
Remember, mainstream parents like us are the majority – It’s up to us to make sure our voices are heard. If you’ve had enough of a tiny number of super loud extremists turning your school board meetings into a three-ring circus and bullying your kid’s favorite teachers, we can help. We’ve got a super handy Parent Playbook that gives you everything you need to get started. Download your copy now! Once you read through it, I guarantee you’ll be thinking, “Oh yeah, I can totally do this!”
You don’t have to sit on the sidelines. You can be the one standing up for your community and protecting your kid’s education. Thanks for taking your Easy Action for this week! ??