Now that we know how dangerous the far-right extremist group Turning Point USA and its founder Charlie Kirk are, it’s time to do something about it. Turning Point USA specifically recruits high school and college-aged people, so we need to be talking to them!

In our Cost of Extremism podcast episode on Turning Point USA, we spoke with college students Francesca Martin and Jacob Marson of Keep Arizona Blue Student Coalition. They told us that no matter how well-funded Turning Point USA is (which makes them successful in reaching young voters), their values do not align with most young people.

Our values — protecting reproductive rights, supporting public education, reducing gun violence, protecting the environment, and valuing diversity and inclusion in our communities — are more appealing! We want to safeguard their rights and provide for their future. We’re leading with our hearts, not hate. We’re just trying to be, and raise, good people who care about our communities. That’s a far more appealing message than Turning Point’s bullying, angry, hateful, and violent rhetoric, so we have to make sure young people hear from us too.

Our Rally Your Squad program is specifically designed to help you identify people in your life who you can talk to about these important issues, and how to do it. Rally Your Squad has proven to be the most effective way to educate and turnout voters, and turning out young voters this election will be crucial to our success. So that’s your Easy A this week — join Rally and get started talking to young people in your life about the dangers of Turning Point USA today!

If you’re in Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, or Virginia, start here!

If you’re in any other state, start here!

Rally Your Squad