Jennifer’s Story

After years of trying to conceive, we moved from clomid to injections & IUI. After round 1 of so many shots, I got pregnant just in time for Father’s Day and we told my family. The U/S showed a blighted ovum. Round 2 yielded another pregnancy but I lost that one by about 7 or 8 weeks. I started bleeding at work and screamed in my bathroom, sure that I’d seen the baby in the toilet, but it was just the tissue, according to the nurse. My hormone levels didn’t fall properly and further testing showed an ectopic twin. I begged for a way to save it, but was lovingly told no by my doctor. I took methotrexate to dissolve it and save my tube. My chart reads habitual abortions due to those loses that were desperately wanted. I failed the 3rd round of treatment after praying that if it was just going to die I didn’t want to get pregnant. Tests for genetics were all normal but progesterone was horribly low leading to the miscarriages so we added even more shots to the regimen. On try #4 despite what I now know was horrendous stress on my mental health and marriage, we were successful. I now have a 17 year old son and a 15 year old daughter I cherish.  “Abortion” has so many faces and grace is needed for all.