Christian Nationalists, who are mostly white evangelicals, are a shrinking minority in our population.1 They are desperate to maintain the political power that white Christian men have historically had in American society. They resent the social progress that has moved America closer to our ideal of equal rights for all — progress like same-sex marriage rights, gender equality, and diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Christian Nationalism is not a religion itself, it’s a political movement made up of a small subset of conservative white evangelical Christians. Watch this short, one minute video about the goals of the Christian Nationalist movement, how they’ve been successful, and the threat they pose:

Christian Nationalists support politicians like Donald Trump — even if he doesn’t live by Christian values himself — because he delivers policies and laws that uphold white Christian male privilege. Now that he is back in office — largely due to Christian Nationalist support — they will continue to have a significant influence on his administration’s policies. To protect equal rights for all, we must keep pushing back on their efforts.