The 2023 election is less than SIX weeks away! October is right around the corner and before you know it, we’ll be putting away the Halloween decorations and heading to the polls.
So we have a question for you: what’s your voting plan?
Step 1: Do you know when and where you can vote? In many states you must be registered before election day, and those deadlines are fast approaching in October. So if you haven’t done it yet, check your voter registration status.
Step 2: Nail down the details. Will you vote early in person, vote by mail, or wait for election day? What time of day will you head to the polls? Do you need to schedule around your work or kids? Some employers do allow you to take time off to vote. Use your state’s board of elections website to find polling locations and times. Once you decide, put it on your calendar and set a reminder! And be sure to make a note of what time the polls close in your district. If the polls close while you are still standing in line, don’t leave. Stay in line until you vote. It’s your right!
Step 3: Now that you have a plan, reach out to your friends, family, neighbors and coworkers. Make sure everyone you know is planning to vote by November 7th!