Everyone’s Story is Different, Share Yours
Susan A’s Story
I am a product of teen parents. Neither were mature enough or mentally prepared to rear a child. Many options were considered: send my mom to a home for unwed mothers, abortion, adoption or keep me. I grew up wishing I had been adopted by loving parents. Nothing replaces the love from your parents. Now at 35, I continue to struggle with the long...
Lisa’s Story
When I was 18 I was stupid. I had sex for the first time with no birth control. We were not in a relationship and we did not live anywhere near each other. I got pregnant. I was getting ready to go to college and there was no way I could raise a child. I called my sister and she got me to PP twice, once for the test and then for the...
Valerie’s Story
Back in 1996, I was pregnant with my second child - very much wanted and loved. I knew in my heart it was a boy and in a dream, he told me his name was Nicholas. I was 10.5 weeks into the pregnancy and started spotting. A few days later it was much heavier so my OB/GYN told me to go to the hospital. They got me into a room and a nurse gave me a...
Kelli’s Story
The only reason I exist is BECAUSE of abortion. My mom was a 16 year old virgin. She was raped. She became pregnant and got an abortion. Had she not gotten an abortion, she wouldn’t have been able to go to nursing school and become a nurse. She wouldn’t have met and married my father. Me, my sister and ultimately my 2 children, 2 nieces and...
Heather A’s Story
Pregnant in 9th grade, abortion at Planned Parenthood with absolutely NO REGRETS. I have no tragic story. But if I had not had an abortion and gotten on good birth control I would have never: left my small PA town, graduated from college, graduated from law school, raised a healthy, happy son who also went onto college. By my rough estimate, as a...
Jill’s Story
In 1999, I was pregnant and had a three-year-old child at home. I was then told that my fetus had what they call anencephaly. I would be able to carry the fetus to term but would have to have had a C-section. The fetus would have no chance to live more than a day or so. It doesn’t have the ability to cry, it doesn't have the ability to eat...
Tiffiny’s Story
My mother's sister was a special needs individual with the mentality of a 5 to 7 year old child. In 1970, my aunt Joyce was raped and became pregnant as a result and Justice was never served. My aunt went through with the pregnancy but we never knew what happened to the child. She died in 2012 and my mother in 2014. I only knew from old papers...
Abby’s Story
I've never had an abortion, but I've had 2 D&Cs, the procedure used in surgical abortions. The first was about 4 weeks after I miscarried. After needing hospital care, doctors discovered that I had an incomplete miscarriage in which some of the tissue had remained in my placenta, and they needed to get the dead tissue out before it went...
Kathe’s Story
In 1970, I had an abortion when I was 17 years old but had to fly to New York because they were not yet legal in Colorado where I lived. Although I was on birth control, I was already a young mother to a 6-month-old baby and a wife. We would not financially support another child and needed to make the best decision for my family. It was...